Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blueberry Pancakes...

I ate my random dose of Blueberry Pancakes today...

It seems to be one of those things, along with 333 that remind me to keep moving along with the project.

As I personally work on my very own "trust" and "acceptance" issues in this world, I learn that it's not just a concept that you wave around and encourage others to do, but it's an application that comes with daily life, the chaos and reconstruction of one's world-view. Trust is not just a word... it's a way of being.

Mr. B the editor has the film in his capable hands, and I go about my business spreading the word, organizing the papers the thoughts, the to-do list that comes with a project of this magnitude... It's not particularly easy when you don't have the funding, the producers, the distributors, the money to back and propel a project that comes from the heart alone, but the hearts of many have faith, as do I, and one day at a time, we keep out hearts focused on the end result, our feet in the direction of the present path, and our hands moving to keep our minds from demanding guilt or frustration or the "why's?" that will put one in a place of hopelessness.

Hopelessness is not a possibility in this world. If you don't have faith in the process, you have nothing but despair, and despair is not easy to live with.

Reconnecting with old artistic cronies of mine... it seems the deeper I get into the mud and beauty of this process of manifesting a dream, the more I realize that nothing is an accident, and we meet all the right people at the right times to make things work.

Follow your gut, the little voice whispers, and keep swimming. You'll find the way... follow your heart.

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